Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I've Got A Feeling

The weather outside is frightful and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I am very excited to be around this holiday season plus I feel like a human again, a 27 year old human instead of a 80 year old one. My body has changed, parts of me don't look like they used to. I beat the infection and tumor, now I am ready to celebrate.

I think I will make it look like Christmas at the Vaughn-Glathar home this week. I can't wait to get some Christmas shopping done and some presents under my beautiful red tree. I just need to convince Vicky Vaughn to come lend a hand. I made a gingerbread house last Sat. it wasn't as cute as Kayla's and I couldn't take it home on the train with me, I will pull out last year's breast cancer awareness house. I miss seeing my extended family, time for a get together!

Still trying to get financially fit, it's hard, I don't want to look at the bills. I still haven't gotten a dime from the State, I think I must have done something wrong or they are slow. I am ready to get back to work, on a part time basis. 2010 better be good!

These are pictures from 2008 Christmas.


  1. I love your stockings! So cute. And Im so glad you are feeling better Holly. I hope 2010 is a good one for you!!

  2. Good Morning Dolly!
    You can count on me For Sure! I'll come down tomorrow and we'll turn on some Christmas tunes, light some smelly candles and have a fun day getting the house Christmas-ed out! I'm so excited! xo, Mom
